Health, Safety, Quality and Environment
The health and safety of all our employees, sub-contractors and the community are of equal importance to all our operational considerations inclusive of our quality delivery and environment management. Wrights Earthmoving Pty Ltd works collectively with every person onsite to ensure a safe workplace for all, whilst complying to the Health & Safety Act and Regulations.
We rank at the top of our daily business activity the importance of health, safety and welfare on our work sites.
Wrights Earthmoving Pty Ltd has engaged a very well respected Health, Safety, Quality and Environment specialist to create our internal documentation and systems and to ensure we are kept up to date on an ongoing basis in regards to health, safety, quality, and environment management.
That specialist is Smarter Safety and an overview of who they are and what they supply can be seen here.
The Integrated Management System Smarter Safety has implemented into our business structure is 100% compliant to…
Safety Management System - AS/NZS ISO 45001
Quality Management System - AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016
Enviro Management System - AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016
Smarter Safety supplies us with a dedicated portal called SmarterScreen and this contains all of our Safety, Quality and Environmental Management documentation and associated integrated electronic management systems. Everything is available to all our employs via managed access using their computers, tablets or mobile phones. We are even able to supply a Customer access link so they can view and satisfy themselves of our extremely high standards of compliance.
Included on SmarterScreen is:
Integrated Plant Pre-Start
Integrated Site Hazard ID & Toolbox Meeting
Integrated Crew and Depot Audits
Integrated Job Setup and Management
Integrated Plant & Equipment Maintenance
Integrated Training Register
Integrated Contractor / Supplier Register
Integrated Safety Data Sheets & Register
Integrated Plant Register
Integrated Plant Risk Assessments
Integrated Incident Reporting & Incident Investigation
Integrated COVID-19 Site Access Risk Assessment Declaration
Management System Overview
all forms like Plant Pre-Start & Fault Report, Site Specific Induction & Toolbox Meeting Record, Incident Report etc
all Safety, Quality & Enviro Policies and Procedures
all Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
all Safe Work Method Statements (SDS)
all Safe Work Procedures (SWP)
all Mobile Powered Plant Risk Assessments
Site Specific Safety Plans
Induction Booklet for all employees
Emergency Contacts
We also utilise the Smarter Safety 24/7 ongoing Support Program to ensure our documentation is always up to date on our SmarterScreen where it is easily accessible to all on our team. Smarter Safety monitor legislation changes and best industry practice movements through their regular client Certification Audits in every Australian State and Territory.
Wrights Earthmoving Pty Ltd is committed to making our work sites as safe as is humanly possible and we look forward to safely working together with you on your next project.